Monday, January 7, 2008

Please PRAY for Christopher

Christopher came to Morocco seeking entrance into Europe to escape the poverty in Africa. Soon after arriving in Morocco he paid a smuggler to take him by boat to the Canary Islands. The smuggler was greedy and overloaded the boat. The weather was rough and the boat capsized near the shore. Christopher said he went under the sea and lost his orientation. He had no idea which way was up. Under the sea he prayed and said “Jesus please save me”. The waves picked him out of the sea and violently threw him upon the rocks. His arm was broken is several places and he was unconscious. He was rescued and taken to Morocco. There were 17 people with Christopher in that little boat. All but Christopher perished in the sea that day. Christopher’s arm healed nicely and he came to CIPC and gave his life to the Lord. He has served on the CIPC worship team for more than a year now. Christopher came to realize his life was not in Europe; his life is in the Lord. Yesterday (January 6, 2008) Christopher began a long journey across the Sahara Desert to return to his home nation of Nigeria. Please pray for Christopher over the next few weeks as he makes this arduous journey.